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John has been CIO/CTO at Seattle Public Schools, Oakland Unified School District, and Fremont Unified School District. . Previously, Mr. Krull was Vice President of Technology at the Charter Management Organization (CMO) Envision Schools that runs four high schools in the Bay Area. He prides himself that he has a strong technical background along with a deep understanding of the field of Education. He earned both his Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of Washington in Seattle. His earlier professional background includes: Autonomy, Sr. Director Application Services, IT, and Training; Microsoft Corporation, Systems Engineer Manager; Shoreline Schools, Teacher, Technology Coordinator; Seattle Pacific University, Adjunct Instructor.

Do you have a plan for Common Core testing?

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and the Partnership for Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) have created plans and tools to help schools and districts prepare for testing in 2014-2015. 45 states have adopted the Common Core Standards and all schools in those states will need to be ready. Do you have a plan? <span class=”mceItemHidden”> &lt;a href=””&gt;Do …

Back from SXSWedu – a 5-minute summary

SXSW edu 2013 from John Krull on Vimeo. A five-minute look at SXSWedu 2013 highlights that Common Core State Assessments and an increase in EdTech investment will bring both new learning tools and data “plumbing”. Keynote speaker Bill Gates remarks that we are at a tipping point in US Education due to this convergence.

Comcast Bringing High Speed Internet to Schools for a Bargain

I helped bring high speed Internet over fiber to a small group of charter schools and a large district. In both cases we got a fat pipe for a slim cost. Even when the incumbent had a footprint in the sites they could not match Comcast’s price. Comcast also allows over subscription where the sites’ …

Some Management Headaches Gone with iOS 6

One of the biggest headaches in getting quick adoption of iPads with new users is setting them up with an Apple ID. If a new user doesn’t have the nearly ubiquitous ID, creating one is an arduous process for the uninitiated. Thank goodness that iOS 6 will no longer require a password for free apps. …

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