Category «Infrastucture»

Seattle Public Schools has a Tech Plan

Seattle Schools Department of Technology Services (DoTS) Technology Plan 2019-2023 is the five-year plan I developed as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) with the management in DoTS, and senior staff members at Seattle Public Schools with engagement from a wide group of stakeholders. This plan is an effort to document planning for Information Technology (IT) projects …

Throwback: How to Upgrade 350 Servers to Windows 2000 in 30 Days

I found this article after a former Microsoft coworker posted the picture on Facebook. It was still posted on It was originally published on April 1, 2000, as part of the Backstage series on that highlighted behind-the-scenes work running the website. The translation of the picture is “How to Upgrade 350 Servers to …

SBAC FUD and Facts

Originally published in 2013 before the first SBAC testing in California. Given the start of a new testing season I thought I’d repost…. A problem about getting ready for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assessments is sometimes fear, uncertainty, and doubt, or FUD, as it is called in Technology circles. It is key for …

Schools and Districts Need to Avoid Email Hell

I worked a good part of the weekend going through my nearly 500 emails that I was behind reading. By midnight Sunday, my inbox was empty. “Whoo Hoo,” I thought, I’m caught up and ready for a busy week with tech plans to write and issues to solve…. After a single day’s worth of meetings, …

Will the iPad Revolutionize Learning or Will the Infrastructure?

This Edutopia post gets a conversation going about whether the iPad and similar technology will revolutionize learning stating: I think this technology will revolutionize the way a student will access all types of information: media, academic research, and books (non-fiction, fiction, and textbooks). In addition, students can produce digital work, blog, chat, and email …

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