Category «Policy»

Five Best Practices for Cloud Security

Microsoft recently published this infographic with examples for securing Azure, but these are best practices that apply to any infrastructure. To Strengthen Access Control, the single most important practice to improve security is to implement multifactor authentication (MFA). Requiring users, especially administrators to use a phone to verify the login goes a long way to …

Training Teachers for Cybersecurity while Working Remotely


School District superintendents are rightly worried about the risks involved with staff and students working from home. There were risks, of course, during pre-Covid19 times, but now, without the help of a District network protections like filters, firewalls, and logging and a watchful eye of District IT, students and staff are at an increased risk …

Sending sensitive data over email

A colleague of mine asked me about sending sensitive information (personally identifiable information or PII) over email. As a CIO/CTO for 15 years I often get these types of requests. I like these better than being asked to fix the projector at a board meeting. Instead of just telling him that it needs to be …

Schools and Districts Need to Avoid Email Hell

I worked a good part of the weekend going through my nearly 500 emails that I was behind reading. By midnight Sunday, my inbox was empty. “Whoo Hoo,” I thought, I’m caught up and ready for a busy week with tech plans to write and issues to solve…. After a single day’s worth of meetings, …

The New Normal: Doing More with Less – Arne Duncan

Yesterday, Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, delivered a speech that basically told states and districts that we have to get used to the current financial climate. Importantly he noted that we should use this as an opportunity not an excuse. It is an opportunity to make meaningful changes not knee-jerk cuts. On the technology front, …

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