Category «software»

CAT student blossoms with Speech to Text Software

A student at CAT was having trouble writing. She’d get blocked and was unable to get her thoughts down on the computer. However her verbal skills were very good. The LC team at CAT got a great idea. They got MacSpeech Dictate, with the world-renowned speech recognition engine, Dragon NaturallySpeaking. The teachers say it has …

CAT Teachers Using iMovie to the Max

Amy Wong’s and Stanley Richards’ Lower Division Science classes are using iMovie to make public service announcements (30 to 60 second movies) as part of a big project that will culminate as part of an exhibition at CAT on March 20th. Along with the movies the student groups are writing up answers to in-depth questions …

Impact Academy Launches Claymation Project

Matt Reichling, Tech Coordinator, and Daisy Cook. Spanish Teacher, are teaming up to enable Daisy’s students to create claymation projects that will be ready for their next exhibition. They will be using the iStopMotion software running on several Mac G5 towers that will be set up in Daisy’s room. Daisy and Matt kicked off the …

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