Three years into its digital modernization efforts, the City of Seattle figured the city’s employees were ready to embrace the cloud.
They are undergoing a Digital Transformation that begins with a digital workforce leveraging the cloud. They’ve embraced Office 365 and SharePoint, but, in my opinion, the skyrocketing use of email shows they need to look into examining changing processes and embracing Microsoft Teams.
The City is also attacking simplifying processes. It has many employees using Adobe Sign to improve approval workflow. It is also working to add automation. I like Docuware for automating paper processes like invoice processing and migrating paper file systems. Automation Anywhere may be a good solution for their more advanced processes that could use Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
Finally, I’m very impressed with their adoption of GIS mapping which is up-to-date with Seattle’s Stay Health Streets initiative.
See ZDnet’s report on how the COVID-19 pandemic pushed Seattle IT’s modernization.

Seattle began overhauling its IT operations in 2016, so when the pandemic hit, the city was ready to ramp up digital services for city staff and residents.
Read more from the source: ZDNet, Published by: Stephanie Condon