Will the iPad Revolutionize Learning or Will the Infrastructure?

This Edutopia post http://bit.ly/cmh3Nl gets a conversation going about whether the iPad and similar technology will revolutionize learning stating:

I think this technology will revolutionize the way a student will access all types of information: media, academic research, and books (non-fiction, fiction, and textbooks). In addition, students can produce digital work, blog, chat, and email with peers and teachers — all for a relatively low cost.

The iPad is revolutionary because it’s a network device that easily works. It is limited, but what it does it does well. What our schools need is open networks and lots of bandwidth to allow this device and others like the Android tablets, Ipod Touches, netbooks, and, yes, cheap laptops to access Web 2.0 tools (See http://bit.ly/c5thz1) not just ‘Apps’ on the iPad. Easy, ubiquitous access is what will really be revolutionary.

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